How Much Does a Ping Pong Ball Weigh

According to Google, a ping-pong ball weighs 2.7 grams (0.00595248 pounds) and is 1.57 inches in diameter. Therefore, 1,000 pounds of ping-pong balls is equivalent to 167,997 total ping-pong balls. To fit them all in a trailer, it would require approximately eight feet in length, eight feet in width, and stacked just over six feet high. Now for bowling balls.


Weigh and Size Of Ping Pong Ball:

33.2 kilograms (72.6 pounds) is what Google claims a bowling ball weighs. Since the bowling balls are “meant to stay on the ground,” they would be much easier to stack into a trailer because of their sheer weight. If you stacked them up six feet high, then you could fit around 800 in if using the same space standards for ping-pong balls(8x8x6).

How Much Does a Ping Pong Ball Weigh

Impact of Different Weights:

A small difference in weight makes a huge difference when it comes to transporting the balls. Stacking 800 bowling balls is much more time-consuming and labor-intensive than stacking 167,997 ping-pong balls.

Related Guide: Where to Play Ping Pong?

The difference in Ball Weight:

The pins weigh 12 pounds each and would take 5,000 times that amount (60,000 pounds) to transport them in trailers. It would take 32 semis and 100 truck drivers to transport 60,000 lbs of pins (5).

Let’s say we wanted to do an experiment with the same number of bowling pins as there people on earth. It would take all of us 5,000 years to move them from one location to another.

A small difference in weight makes a huge difference when it comes to transporting the balls. Stacking 800 bowling balls is much more time-consuming and labor-intensive than stacking 167,997 ping-pong balls.

Even if you stacked the balls neatly, it would still take 3 times as long to move 200 bowling balls versus 40,000 ping-pong balls.

See also  Do You have to Serve Diagonally in Ping Pong?

This is because of gravity, or weight. Bowling pins are 12 pounds each whereas ping pong balls are only 2 grams. If you wanted to stack them into a pyramid your options would be limited by how many people were available because it might take all the people on earth 4 million years to stack 60,000 lbs of bowling pins. It’s simple math, 1 plus 1 equals 2 but in this case, 1 plus 1 equals 4 million (5).


2 mg + vessel * water * vessel height = mass in grams

The formula for finding the mass depends on the density of the material being weighed.

The bowling ball would weigh 1,825 lbs while the ping pong balls would only weigh 0.3 grams together. The bowling ball has a low specific gravity because it’s mostly air (5). The specific gravity of water is defined by its density at 4 degrees Celsius (6).


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